This is precisely what WonderWorld and so many other supplementary science programs are working to counter!
The CBI (Confederation of British Industry) just published a rather incendiary report illuminating the pipeline issue of having too few graduates entering the workforce ready to pursue careers in science, and highlights the necessity of changing this starting with better primary science education.
The need to enthuse and excite young people about science is critical…
While many of the challenges in science education at primary school revolve around the role of the curriculum, examinations, and teacher knowledge and development, one of the most important factors narrowing the pipeline of young people into science study and careers is the attitudes and perceptions of children themselves.
The report is presented in a rather sound-bite/tweet-ready way, which makes for a quick read. If you are interested but concerned about the time required to read through an entire report, CLICK HERE to scan through the report. It's very digestible.
For an even faster read, the BBC did a report on the report and the "nonsense" response given by the government.
"An understanding of science is needed to understand and thrive in the modern world. As the CBI's report makes clear, this learning is best begun early. Yet primary schools are constrained - by narrow accountability targets and the need for their teachers to be masters of all trades, teaching science with the same confidence they teach English, maths, history and sport.Russell Hobby, General Secretary, National Association of Head Teachers